Things you must know before giving ACCA SBL Exam | Fintram

ACCA Strategic Business Leader (SBL) exam is for 100 Marks having a duration of four hours. Out of 100 marks, 80 marks are for technical syllabus area knowledge (what you write) and 20 marks are for professional skills (How you write your exam). 

In ACCA Strategic Business Leader (SBL) Exam, you get one Integrated Case study having various exhibits running into 10-12 pages or maybe more. This case study has all compulsory questions testing students on various syllabus area topics. The expectation of the examiner is to prepare the students and make them ready for handling real-life scenarios in the industry and be the real Strategic Business leaders.

The case study will be issued on the day of the exam and is always some new scenario, so there is no material to pre-prepare. You’ll receive information and various exhibits having:

  • Annual reports
  • Spreadsheets
  • Emails
  • Memos
  • Survey results
  • Interview transcripts
  • Media sources; press release
  • Presentations

You’ll use these materials to perform tasks, which reflect the practical issues you’ll encounter in the workplace. They might include:

  • Analyzing and Interpreting data
  • Understanding Organizational problems 
  • Recommending Solutions
  • Doing Assessments 
  • Drafting written business communications
  • Creating presentations, memos, press releases, reports, letters etc.

Few important points every student should know about the SBL Exam:

  • Examiners do not expect rote learning and hence just writing the theory will not help. The student should not just mention the theoretical concepts.
  • Application of your knowledge to the case given in the question is the super important thing
  • Relating the knowledge of syllabus areas to the issues in the case study and then answering the exact requirement of the question is the game-changer
  • Understanding the formats is the key to SBL Exam- More you will know them and ensure in your answers, the more marks you get
  • Remember that 20 marks are for how you write; display Professional Skills in anything and everything you write. Hence having a detailed understanding of all 5 professional skills and a display of overall professionalism is Exam is needed.
  • This is a Computer Based Exam (CBE) hence practicing handling such a long case study and juggling within the exhibits can really make you get more marks. Do practice a few mocks before you sit for your exams.
  • Last but not least, Time Management is a big-time issue for various students. You should not spend more than 60 minutes reading the entire case study and prepare yourself for writing. Practice can really make a big difference here.

Understanding all Syllabus Areas with reference to industry-level issues is key to ACCA SBL Exam. We at FinTram Global offer detailed industry-oriented Sessions on SBL Syllabus Areas. In addition to that, we also provide Revision Boot Camp where the faculty covers all the Professional Skills and their practical application to Exam Questions. We have also solved various concepts, comprehensive, Exam Standard and past examination questions, giving our students various tips and tricks needed to clear this Exam. While we do all of this, we ensure the detailed training for managing your time for reading, writing and overall management of Exam in a Computer-Based Environment.

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