ACCA vs CA | ACCA or CA which is better? | Fintram Global

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ACCA vs CA: What Makes them Different?


When it comes to pursuing a career in accounting, two popular qualifications come to mind – ACCA and CA. Both ACCA and CA offer strong foundations in accounting and finance, but there are key differences that set them apart. In this article, we will explore the differences between ACCA and CA and help you make an informed decision about which qualification may be the best fit for your career aspirations.

The Basics: Understanding ACCA and CA

ACCA: Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

ACCA, short for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, is an international professional accountancy qualification. It is recognized and respected in over 180 countries. ACCA offers a comprehensive syllabus that covers a wide range of accounting and finance topics, including financial management, taxation, audit, and business law.

CA: Chartered Accountant

CA, or Chartered Accountant, is a professional designation for accountants. It is granted by professional accounting bodies in various countries, such as the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). CA focuses on national or regional accounting standards and regulations.

Key Differences: ACCA vs CA

Global Recognition

One of the key differences between ACCA and CA is the level of global recognition. ACCA is well-recognized and respected worldwide, making it an ideal qualification for those looking to work in different countries. CA, on the other hand, tends to be more focused on regional or national recognition, although some CA bodies have established reciprocal agreements with international counterparts.

Syllabus and Structure

ACCA’s syllabus is designed to provide a strong foundation in all areas of accounting and finance. It consists of several modules, including knowledge, skills, and professional level exams. This comprehensive structure ensures that ACCA graduates are well-rounded professionals.
CA, on the other hand, may vary in syllabus and structure depending on the country or region. CA programs often have a narrower focus, emphasizing the specific accounting standards and regulations of the country or region. While this can be an advantage for those planning to work locally, it may limit career opportunities in other countries.

Practical Experience

Both ACCA and CA place importance on gaining practical experience alongside the theoretical knowledge. However, the requirements and approach to practical experience may differ. ACCA requires a minimum of three years of relevant work experience, which can be gained before, during, or after completing the exams. CA programs often have structured training programs, where candidates are required to work under qualified professionals to gain practical skills.

Exams and Assessments

The examination process for ACCA and CA also differ. ACCA exams are computer-based and can be taken at any time throughout the year. They are modular, meaning students can progress at their own pace. CA exams, on the other hand, are often held at specific times of the year and follow a more traditional examination format.

Choosing the Right Qualification

Choosing between ACCA and CA ultimately depends on your career goals and aspirations. Here are a few factors to consider:

  1. Global vs Local: If you have plans to work internationally, ACCA may offer better recognition and opportunities. If you prefer to work locally and specialize in a specific region, CA might be the better choice.
  2. Comprehensive vs Focused: ACCA provides a comprehensive foundation in accounting and finance, while CA may offer a more specialized focus on local regulations.
  3. Flexibility vs Structure: ACCA’s modular structure allows for more flexibility in terms of exam dates and progression. CA programs often have a more structured approach with fixed exam schedules.
  4. Career Opportunities: Research the job market and career opportunities in your desired field and location. This can help you determine which qualification is more valued and in demand.


In conclusion, both ACCA and CA offer valuable qualifications for aspiring accountants. ACCA provides global recognition and a comprehensive syllabus, while CA offers specialized knowledge and regional recognition. Consider your career goals, preferred work location, and personal preferences to make an informed decision. Whichever path you choose, both ACCA and CA can open doors to a successful career in accounting and finance.


ACCA with a network of approved learning partners provides you with ease of learning at every step of your journey.  Whether you study full-time or part-time, in a classroom environment or online, you’ll be able to find quality ACCA online tuition that is per your comfort.  And for some exams, you can even use the official learning platform, ACCA-X.


FinTram is one of the leading training providers for ACCA Courses to students and professionals, who want to build a career in finance. Our results and accreditations are testimony to our best quality:

  • ACCA Approved Learning Provider
  • Approved Facilitation Center for various Digital Literacy Courses under NIELIT – Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology – Government of India
  • Experienced Faculty of those who already had a Corporate Experience
  • Advanced Learning Technology
  • Comprehensive Study Materials and Video Lectures
  • Video Question Marathon feature–tIBs
  • Trusted Learning Partner for any and every Student Across the Globe
  • Provides Assistance for placement to all our Qualified Students

For registrations and further help you can visit us at, we will be looking forward to providing additional support to you.

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